I recently reviewed a very interesting article about vaccines for COVID-19, which referenced a new term to me "Vaccine hesitancy”.
The study referenced a very significant survey by the well-known Pew Research Center which noted that 72% of those polled in May 2020 were planning on getting the vaccination. However, by September 2020 it had decreased to 51%. Ironically, the discrepancy further broaden as one look closely I discovered that only 20% of that group had great confidence in what the vaccination would do for them, about 45% had a"fair" amount of confidence in the vaccination, but 35% had very little or NO confidence what the vaccination would do for them. Unfortunately. other studies provided a variety of significant differences and what the vaccination might do for them and it was truly all over the place.
This reminded me of a very interesting study that was done many years ago in my field of clinical psychology which focused on what psychologists call "locus (place) of control” which says that 77% of the population have a "Local control which is outside of them"(external), which basically states that when such and such happens to me, such as a significant raise in pay or from able to purchase that boat, car, (Or whatever) this will really make me happy…. I now have arrived…. And this will continue! Well there is a much smaller percentage in that study of those who have “an internal locus of control" (23% of the population) and their belief is that "my happiness really depends primarily on me, the way I think and the way I do things, the way I direct my life". These people truly believe that they are in control of the primary source of happiness which comes from within. Of course, certain things can further enhance this, yes, go ahead and say it, winning Powerball ! "What do you think? Do you have external or internal locus of control?
Disclaimer: I can't help you with Powerball!